22 September 2006

Naturopathic Way of Preventing and Treating Diseases

Naturopathic medicine traces it's roots to Hippocrates, a Greek physician who lived several centuries before the birth of Christ. Hippocrates taught that disease and illness had rational causes that could be found in nature, so he looked for their cures in nature as well. Naturopathy emphasizes prevention of disease and healthful lifestyle to assist the body's own healing power. It assumes that nature is the greatest healer.

Naturopathy is not one system of alternative healing but encompasses a variety of therapies which include : herbal medicine, exercise therapy, physical therapy, nutrition, homeopathy, acupuncture, acupressure, hydrotherapy, natural childbirth, and lifestyle counseling.

How does a naturopath treats a patient? A naturopathic physician will guide a patient toward a healthful lifestyle, but the patient must also take an active role, both in maintaining wellness and in the healing process. For example, when you have a headache, what do you usually do? Instead of swallowing a couple of aspirin, you might sip a cup of rosemary, peppermint, or sage tea. Or take a nap. Or a walk. Massaging the back of the neck relieves some headaches. Then you'll want to consider why you had the headache in the first place. Part of the naturopath's natural method of healing is that you discover the cause of the problem and eliminate it, so that it won't happen again. Naturopathic philosophy, teaches that when you're in tune with your own mind and body, you will be able to determine the appropriate safe and natural treatment for yourself. The aim is not the quick cure, but the safe cure.

10 September 2006

Just a short intro of this blog

The pursuit of good health and well-being offers many alternative routes. I happen to have the interest and curiosity to dig deeper into this age -old science of alternative medicine. It is not meant to encourage you to become your own healthcare practitioner but rather to give you the idea of what alternative therapies being practiced throughout the world. Millions have been using such therapies for thousands of years. Some have been
used since the beginning of recorded history. Many are based on the healing traditions of indigenous people and
some on modern-day researches. One attractive feature of the alternatives is that many emphasize wellness, not just cures when you get sick. The principles behind many alternative systems insist upon a recognition of the mind/body connection and a perception of the person as total being. Also, people want to take an active part in the management of their health and so people have begun to take a serious look at alternatives that seem to offer a more natural way of healing.
Advanced Health LTD