14 December 2010

Anti - Fat Herbs

 Anti-fat  herbs can help get rid of unwanted layers of fat if combined with common fruits, according to Atty. Romeo R. Ticzon, herbalist and author of a popular book Beauty Aids Cosmetics and Hygienics.  Here are his suggested anti-obesity herbs :

·         Bananas – One must eat 2 bananas  only in each of your three meals , increasing the number to 3 then 4, then 5, per meal up to the tenth day, after which you may start decreasing the number of bananas  taken per meal, until you revert to the original number of 2 bananas taken per meal 3 times a day. One’s blood and entire organism will be cleansed of acidity, said the author.

·         Garlic – Eat 2 cloves of garlic a day. “Garlic helps to give people that full feeling. It dampens their appetite so that it is easier or them to shed unwanted pounds,” says nutritionist Walter Blung of Cologne, West Germany.
·         Citrus fruit – It’s juice is a remedy for obesity.

·         Avocado -  A nourishing, satisfying, low calorific food for slimmers, this fruit is excellent. It contains vegetable protein oil, 11 different forms of vitamins and 17 micronutrients in the form of trace elements.

·         Grapefruit – is the most slimming fruit of all. It has the physiological action or stimulating the appetite and provoking salivary and gastric digestion. Half a grapefruit before each meal means that the food that follows is easily assimilated and does not get all hung up in the process of use or elimination.

·         Tomatoes – for slimmers, they provide the non-fattening, flavored and textured food which is a good raw in salads and are rich in vitamins A,B and C and are the best cleaner and purifier of the blood of all the foods of man and contributes to a very big extent, if eaten raw, in the slimming campaign.

·         Apple cider vinegar – taking this natural drink in combination with avocado is prescribed by Ticzon to reduce extra weight.
Advanced Health LTD