25 August 2011

Warts At-Home Remedies

Warts are described as benign growth on the skin caused by viral infection (Good Housekeeping Family Health And Medical Guide, 1980). They are most commonly found at the back of the hands,around the nails of children and adolescents. If they involve the palms or soles, they tend to be smooth rather than raised and are called PLANTAR.

Warts often heal on their own. Many doctors think that there's a psychological factor at play with warts, that just believing in the cure seems to marshall the body's defenses. Unless painful, warts represent only a cosmetic problem and usually disappear spontaneously within two years in most cases.

For stubborn warts, doctors usually try burning or freezing, both of which can involve pain, bleeding, and potential scarring. But if you want to get rid of these pesky warts, there are herbal remedies that can kick your immune system into gear so that your body can heal the warts by itself, says Claudia Wingo, R.N., a medical herbalist in College park, Maryland, and a member of the National herbalists Association of Australia. These herbal remedies are intended for those warts that appear on the hands and for plantar warts on the soles of your feet. It's not good to use on your face.

1. Arbor Vitae and Bloodroot
Apply an oil or salve made from these antiviral herbs twice a day. To make your own salve, put a handful of fresh arbor vitae greens in a slow cooker. Add two 1-inch pieces of bloodroot. Cover the herbs with 2 cups of olive oil and simmer on low heat overnight, says Wingo. You can also mix it with coconut oil or beeswax to make a salve.

2. Dandelion

Rub sap from a fresh root on the wart twice a day until it goes away, says Gayle Eversole, Ph.D, a certified nurse and a professional member of the American herbalists Guild in Everett, Washington.

3. Fenugreek

Apply a paste made from seeds once a day until the wart goes away. Put 1 tablespoon of seeds in a small jar and add enough water to cover them completely. Soak the seeds for about 2 days in the refrigerator until they form a thick solution similar to ointment. Apply it to the wart once a day and let it dry, says Dr. Eversole.

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