30 November 2010

Detox Superfoods

Starting a detox diet means making definite changes to the way you eat or changing your eating habits for life, says Lesley Ellis, author of 7 Day Detox Diet Plan. When you detox, Ellis explains, it means you are leaving processed convenience foodstuffs and instead eat lots o fresh, natural whole foods. You need to eat foods that are rich in vitamins and minerals, much of it as possible raw, or only lightly cooked.

The author listed in her book some foods that are especially beneficial for cleansing the system. She recommended to eat one or two of these cleansers every day. These are :

·          Round wholegrain rice is a highly absorbent food, full of vitamins and fiber that almost never creates an allergic reaction in people. If you cannot find round wholegrain rice, use brown long-grain variety. Do not use white rice. Boiled wholegrain rice is soothing to the digestive system and a traditional cure for diarrhea.

·         Beetroot (red beet) is considered by detox nutritionists to be one of the best vegetable cleansers, helping the digestive system to work efficiently, and flushing through the system.

·         Apples and pears are high in fibre and pectin so they help to clean the intestines.

·         Papayas and pineapples contain fibre, vitamins and minerals as well as useful enzymes to help digestion.

·         Lemons are not only full of vitamin C but also have strong cleansing effect, and help kick-start the digestive system.

·         Sea vegetables and edible seaweeds are packed with vitamins and minerals, and are extremely soothing to the digestive system. Some kinds of seaweed, such as kombu, are considered especially useful for mopping up toxins in the system and flushing them out.

·         Onions and garlic are valued by detox nutritionists for their antiseptic properties, for boosting the immune system and their blood-cleansing attributes.

·         Olive oil : recent scientific research has shown that cold-pressed extra virgin olive oil is good for the heart and blood. It also stimulates the digestive system.

·         Chilli peppers and other hot spices stimulate the digestive system and mucous membranes and encourage the body to flush out wastes and toxins. If your digestive system is delicate and if you are not used to eating spicy foods, use only a little at first.

·         Ginger is considered an excellent cleanser and extremely calming to the digestion.

While you are following the detox diet, you should also be making some gentle changes to other aspects of your life such as proper exercise, rest, and relaxation. These changes will help to make you feel fitter, healthier and more relaxed.

29 November 2010

Herbs And Spices That Fight Infection

When you come down with a cold or have a flu, food may have a more subtle effect than medication, but can be an effective treatment tool when used to arrest a cold  at the first sign  of symptoms.

Certain foods, herbs, and spices can help prevent common ailments and speed your recovery. Their primary function is to strengthen your  own immune system so that it can effectively do it’s job of healing. Here’s some foods with medicinal properties that are known to fight infection, according to Molly Siple, writing in her book ,”Healing Foods For Dummies”.

  • Garlic has both antibacterial and antiviral properties and is a potent immune enhancer. If you feel like you’re coming down with something cut one or two cloves of raw garlic into bite-size pieces and swallow like pills.

  • Onions fight bacteria and viruses. In addition, onions trigger the release of fluids
that dilute mucus so that it can move through the lungs and into the throat from where it can be coughed up.  While raw onions are the most beneficial, cooked onions are also therapeutic. Half an onion a day is considered an ample dose.

      *    Watercress helps clear up phlegm and is high in healing minerals.

      *    Sea vegetables or Seaweed, supply abundant minerals, which support the healing         .           process.

  • Vitamin A, or beta carotene, vitamin C, and zinc are also good support for
Your natural immune response . Good sources are :

Vitamin A : Sweet potatoes, carrots, winter squash, cantaloupe, and greens

Vitamin C : Sweet peppers, broccoli, papayas, kiwis, rose hips, and mangoes
Zinc : Oysters, pork, beef, pumpkin seeds, chickpeas, cashews, oysters, and mushrooms.

26 November 2010

Natural Remedies for Acne

Acne is the most common skin problem striking teenagers, often occurs between 12 and 24 years old. It's main features are blackheads, whiteheads, pustules, inflamed and infected nodules, sacs, and cysts. They occur where the sebaceous glands are most numerous, in the face, neck, chest, and back.

The Natural Remedies Encyclopedia has some tips for the natural healing of acne :

1. Cleanliness is important. Keep the skin washed and clean. Keep the infected area free of all oils. Wash or pat the face with lemon juice 3 times a day. Shampoo the hair frequenty.

2. Do not squeeze the spots. Blackheads must be removed with a specially designed instrument and not with picking by the fingers. Keep hands clean and avoid touching the face.
3. Wash the pillowcase regularly in chemical-free detergents (no added colors or fragrances).

4. Get early morning sun on the face daily. Get fresh air and exercise daily, and plenty of rest to eliminate toxins.

5. Avoid irritating the skin. Avoid clothing which rubs against the affected areas. Do not hold a telephone against your check for long periods. keep your hair from your face, so hair oil and bacteria will not be deposited on the skin.

6. Avoid stress : for it can cause hormonal changes.

7. Avoid oral or topical steroids. They will worsen the problem.

8. Men should shave with a blade and in the direction of hair growth. Shavers can cause scarring.

9. Drink 6 glasses of pure water daily.

10. Increase raw vegetables intake.

Advanced Health LTD