30 June 2011

Shark Cartilage For Arthritis?

One in seven people in America, or nearly 40 million are reported to have arthritis. For many, the arthritis causes pain in the joints and knees. One very promising dietary supplement that has been shown to relieve arthritis is the shark's cartilage.

Scientists consider this amazing fact: The shark is a creature that has remained unchanged for 400 million years. It seemed to be the only creature with a natural immunity to cancer and other diseases known to man. Scientists believe that it is in the shark's cartilage skeleton that provides this amazing immunity.

Shark cartilage contains mucopolysaccharides, an anti-inflammatory mplecules that has been found to contain a concentration of one thousand times greater than any other type of cartilage. in fact, it is now manufactured as dietary natural supplement to lessen pain and stiffness in joints and knees.

Dr. Joseph Orcasity, a consultant at the University of Miami Medical School, treated a dozen elderly arthritis patients with severe arthritis in their knees. After taking shark cartilage for four weeks, most patients exhibited reduced pains and swelling and increased mobility. This case is reported in the book "Knee Pain: The Self-Help Guide" by John Garrett, M.D. & Bob Reznik
, M.B.A.

25 June 2011

8 Good Reasons to Eat Fresh Fruits And Vegetables

A good human diet should consist of fresh fresh fruits and vegetables. Why? Here are ten good reasons the American Institute for Cancer Research, Washington,D.C., has compiled :

* Cancer prevention topped the list. Vegetables and fruits are rich in antioxidants substances shown to provide protection against free-radicals (reactive substances that damage cells and initiate cancer) and other phytochemicals.

* To keep trim is number 2 on the list. Many vegetables contain 50 calories or fewer for a whole cup, while only five potato chips or one small cookie has the same number of calories. If you satisfy your appetite with hearty servings of vegetables and fruits, hunger won’t be a problem and you will eat smaller portions of higher-calorie meats and desserts.

* Prevent heart disease is number 3. Eating more vegetables and fruits while cutting back on meat and dairy can help you limit heart-damaging saturated fat and cholesterol in your diet. The antioxidants and certain other phytochemicals in these foods also help prevent fatty deposits from forming in blood vessels. They also provide fiber, which helps lower blood ch olesterol levels. The B vitamins are also present that help lower blood homocysteine, high levels of which are a risk factor for heart disease.

* Benefit number 4 of veggies and fruits is they lower blood pressure levels. Many people think blood pressure can be controlled only through eating a low-salt diet and controlling weight. Yet several studies in which people followed a high vegetable and fruit diet achieved a significant drop in blood pressure. How? Researchers believe potassium and magnesium in these foods should be credited.

* Prevent stroke is number 5. Results of recent studies suggest that diets high in vegetables and fruits can decrease the risk of stroke by up to 25 percent. The boost in potassium they provide may be responsible, as well as the antioxidants and other phytochemicals they contain.

* Eye protection is number 6. Eating more vegetables and fruits may lower your risk for two of the most common causes of adult blindness: cataracts and macular degeneration. Scientists link this protection for the eyes with antioxidants like vitamin C and certain carotenoids.

* Next is to avoid diverticulosis. One-third of people over the age of 50 and two-thirds of those over the age of 80 are estimated to have this intestinal disorder. and vegetables can also satisfy your sweet tooth. When you turn to fruit for a sweet taste and quick energy, you get an added boost nutrition that works for you instead of just “empty calories” found in sweets like candy bars aand soft drinks.

* Finally, “experience pure pleasure.” Adding the vibrant colors of vegetables and fruits, the reds, oranges,purples, greens and yellows can make any dish more visually appealing. Also, the diversity of textures and tastes of these Diverticulosis occurs when pressure in the intestine create small pouches in the intestine wall, which can become inflamed and painful. The best defense against developing these pouches (diverticulae) is eating a high-fiber diet. Fruits, and especially vegetables, are major sources of fiber considered to be most helpful.

05 June 2011


Acupuncture is an ancient form of alternative therapy from China. It involves the insertion of hair thin needles into specific body points. The needles are stimulated by several methods which include pressure of the practitioner’s hand, mild electric current, ultrasound, or wavelengths of light.

Acupuncture gained some credibility in 1997 when the National Health Intitute endorsed it as a valid way to treat nausea and postoperative dental pain. The NIH panel also agreed that acupuncture has value in treating conditions like headaches, lower-back pain, menstrual cramps, muscle pain, and some of the side effects caused by stroke.

Practitioners of acupuncture found that health requires a harmonious balance between the opposing forces of yin (spirit) and (blood) yang. Yin and yang are not fixed, which are constantly changing. Yin is the negative force and the yang, the positive, but these terms "bad" and "good" as they do in Western thought.

Qi (pronounced "chi") is the attraction between the two forces. It flows to all parts of the body through channels called meridians. Meridians are pathways that run along the surface of the body and branch into the body’s interior. The imbalance between these forces is believed to cause disease. When the needles are inserted into appropriate points along those meridians, balance is restored and health is regained.
Advanced Health LTD