09 December 2010

Doctor Thayer's Fertility Secrets

Maintaining sexual vigor is dependent upon the healthy functioning of our glandular system, wrote Dr.
Ronald Thayer in his popular book, “Avoid Premature Aging.” By giving superior nutritional support to the endocrine glands, especially the ovaries, testes, pituitary, thyroid, adrenals, and the prostate gland, you may increase your sexual vigor, postpone menopause, and improve physical health and stamina, the doctor narrates.
Here’s  what comprised Dr. Thayer’s  Gland Stimulating nutritional program :
1.       Take a natural vitamin-mineral supplement daily that contains at least 30 mg. of zinc. Zinc has been found to be of great importance in the functioning of the prostate gland, male genital tract, the eye, and the pancreas. Food high in zinc are : pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, brewer’s yeast, seafoods, oysters, liver, wheat bran, wheat germ, eggs, onions, nuts and lima beans.
2.       Go to a health doctor and request some “beef glandular extracts.” The extracts from the glands of beef , when taken orally, head for their respective tissue or gland. They serve as stimulus to cause our own glands to function more effectively.
3.       Vitamin E (d-alpha tocopherol)
Vitamin E is called the fertility vitamin. Here’s some of it’s benefits :
a.       Stimulates sperm qualitatively
b.      Helps prevent miscarriage
c.       Aids in reducing menopausal synptoms
d.      Improves circulation
e.      Increases the available oxygen to the tissues
f.        Helps in retarding the aging process

4.       Cold pressed wheat germ oil capsules because of the traces of male and female hormones and their activity, and because it is the richest natural source of vitamin E.
5.       Sarsaparilla root
Sarsaparilla was found to contain traces of progesterone, a female sex hormone and cortin, an adrenal hormone. Sarsaparilla tea can be found in some health food stores. It is one of the few sources of natural hormones.
6.       Ginseng extract
Ginseng has been popular in the Orient for centuries as a rejuvenator, general body tonic, stimulant, anti-oxidant, and aphrodisiac.
7.       Pumpkin seeds
Pumpkin seeds is considered to be the most potent male aphrodisiac and protection of the prostate gland. They appear to contain the building blocks for the male hormones. Pumpkin seeds  contain zinc,  50% unsaturated fatty acids, phosphorous, iron, potassium, vitamins A, B, C, amino acids, and other nutrients. They are 35 percent protein. The seeds are chewed as a snack-food and maybe added to salads.
8.       Physical  activity and exercise helps to maintain virility and sexual longevity.

Doctor Weil's Natural Remedies For Prostatitis

Prostatitis means inflammation of the prostate gland. It is a common ailment of young men prone to urinary tract infections.

Dr. Andrew Weil, a medical doctor with focus on natural health, and author of a popular book, “Health and Healing,” shared some interesting experiences with his patients who got well by alternative means. One such case was that of a young man, suffering from prostatitis, and who seek a second opinion to the good doctor after having been suggested surgery when antibiotics failed. Here’s Dr. Weil’s natural remedies for prostatitis that helped the young man from his illness :

1.)    Drink a lot of water to increase urinary output. Dehydration renders the prostate more susceptible to infection.
2.)    Drink cranberry juice as a urinary tract antiseptic.
3.)    Eliminate caffeine from your diet. Caffeine, especially from coffee, irritates the entire urogenital tract and aggravates inflamed prostate.
4.)    Change the frequency of ejaculation.
5.)    Avoid horseback or motorcycle riding and other mechanical stresses.
Advanced Health LTD