Music, considered the language of the soul by music masters, is at the very center of the healing approach to therapy called the "Bonny method of Guided Imagery and Music" (GIM).It is essentially an uncovering process used as an experiential therapy for individuals and groups.
The hallmark of this approach is that the flow of imagery is spontaneous. It unfolds in it's own time and way and depends upon the skilled intervention of a trained guide and uses specially designed classical music programs. It is a direct opposite to imaginary techniques which utilize visualization for a desired outcome or goal, such as relaxing at the beach, or shrinking a cancerous tumor.
In GIM, clients are encouraged to be their own healers and to discover their own answers. The GIM approach draws upon such qualities as intuition, "presence", and specialized guiding skills to help with problem-solving. The GIM guide artfully leads clients to their own insights and aha's!
GIM began in the early 1970s, with Helen L. Bonny, Ph.D., a music therapists and Research Fellow. She was invited to participate with a team of renowned researchers who were developing a new therapy intervention. Her role was to design special music programs to amplify and complement the action of the new drug.
The researchers reported music's effectiveness in the following ways : facilitating the release of intense emotion; directing and structuring the experience; providing a sense of continuity in a state of timelessness; and contributing toward the desired peak of experience.
05 September 2011
Music Therapy
25 August 2011
Warts At-Home Remedies
Warts are described as benign growth on the skin caused by viral infection (Good Housekeeping Family Health And Medical Guide, 1980). They are most commonly found at the back of the hands,around the nails of children and adolescents. If they involve the palms or soles, they tend to be smooth rather than raised and are called PLANTAR.
Warts often heal on their own. Many doctors think that there's a psychological factor at play with warts, that just believing in the cure seems to marshall the body's defenses. Unless painful, warts represent only a cosmetic problem and usually disappear spontaneously within two years in most cases.
For stubborn warts, doctors usually try burning or freezing, both of which can involve pain, bleeding, and potential scarring. But if you want to get rid of these pesky warts, there are herbal remedies that can kick your immune system into gear so that your body can heal the warts by itself, says Claudia Wingo, R.N., a medical herbalist in College park, Maryland, and a member of the National herbalists Association of Australia. These herbal remedies are intended for those warts that appear on the hands and for plantar warts on the soles of your feet. It's not good to use on your face.
1. Arbor Vitae and Bloodroot
Apply an oil or salve made from these antiviral herbs twice a day. To make your own salve, put a handful of fresh arbor vitae greens in a slow cooker. Add two 1-inch pieces of bloodroot. Cover the herbs with 2 cups of olive oil and simmer on low heat overnight, says Wingo. You can also mix it with coconut oil or beeswax to make a salve.
2. Dandelion
Rub sap from a fresh root on the wart twice a day until it goes away, says Gayle Eversole, Ph.D, a certified nurse and a professional member of the American herbalists Guild in Everett, Washington.
3. Fenugreek
Apply a paste made from seeds once a day until the wart goes away. Put 1 tablespoon of seeds in a small jar and add enough water to cover them completely. Soak the seeds for about 2 days in the refrigerator until they form a thick solution similar to ointment. Apply it to the wart once a day and let it dry, says Dr. Eversole.
23 August 2011
Winning The Battle Against Obesity
The obesity problem is considered by the US Department of Health and Human Services as "the single biggest threat to public health in this century." it is a major health concern because it contributes to many serious problems such as heart disease, stroke, diabetes, and some types of cancer.
There are many factors cited to have helped contribute to the obesity epidemic but two of the most major ones are the over consumption of foods and beverages that are high in calories, and the lack of physical activity.
The 2010 Dietary Guidelines, which was prepared by the US Department of Agriculture and Dept. of health and Human Services are calling the young and the old to cut back on sugar, sodium, and saturated fats, and eat more fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and seafoods.
Here are some of what the report recommends :
1. Eat more plant-based diet.
2. Cut back on saturated fats, trans fats, and minimize consumption of sugar.
3. Limit sodium consumption.
4. Get regular physical activity.
19 August 2011
Exercise And Weight Loss
Everybody knows by now that dieting alone is not very effective for permanent weight loss. You need to eat a healthful low-calorie diet and exercise. To burn lots of calories and redefine the way your body works , you need to exercise and perhaps add weight lifting or other resistance training three times per week.
You can walk,run, bicycle,jump rope, swim, aerobic dance, worked out to a fast-paced video, or any other activity that makes you moving constantly.What will you accomplish? Everything you would to improve cardiovascular fitness, you'll feel more optimistic and less stressed, and you'll have a more svelte body.
There is a huge variety of exercise activities but one of the best is walking. Walking doesn't cost a penny, and almost anyone can do it. Unless you have a physical condition that prevents it, start by walking for five, ten, or fifteen minutes a day, depending on your age and condition.if you do it at the same time every day, it will help to establish the habit. Keep up this simple, short routine until you feel you want to do more.
How do you know whether you're exercising hard enough? there's one very simple test. If you're breathing hard but can still talk, you're probably working at about the right pace. If you're too winded to speak, you're overdoing.
You can walk,run, bicycle,jump rope, swim, aerobic dance, worked out to a fast-paced video, or any other activity that makes you moving constantly.What will you accomplish? Everything you would to improve cardiovascular fitness, you'll feel more optimistic and less stressed, and you'll have a more svelte body.
There is a huge variety of exercise activities but one of the best is walking. Walking doesn't cost a penny, and almost anyone can do it. Unless you have a physical condition that prevents it, start by walking for five, ten, or fifteen minutes a day, depending on your age and condition.if you do it at the same time every day, it will help to establish the habit. Keep up this simple, short routine until you feel you want to do more.
How do you know whether you're exercising hard enough? there's one very simple test. If you're breathing hard but can still talk, you're probably working at about the right pace. If you're too winded to speak, you're overdoing.
30 July 2011
Vegetarians eat no meat, fowl, or fish for reasons of health, ethics, or religious convictions. However, ovo-lacto vegetarians do eat milk, milk products, and eggs. Other subgroups are Lacto vegetarians who eat dairy products but not eggs. Vegans eat only foods derived from plants. Fruitarians eat only fruits.
Early people, through the study of fossilized teeth, contained little meat in their diet. Teeth from our earliest ancestors show patterns of wear similar to those of modern vegetarians. As years passed, meat assumed a larger place in the human diet. In other parts of the world such as the Middle East, the Mediterranean, and Mexico, people fill up on grains and vegetables, no meat, although small amounts may be included in the meal. Fish, shellfish, and poultry are the principal sources of animal protein in many cultures.
In the 1960's people became more interested in fitness and in healthful lifestyles, and vegetarianism gradually began to pick up a following. Studies that showed a high rate of heart disease among populations that consume lots of animal fat helped turn the tide as did new research that showed the importance of fiber. Reports of veal cattle raised in pens so small they couldn't even turn around caused some to renounce meat on moral grounds. Others worried about the health hazards of growth-boosting hormones and high doses of antibiotics required for animals raised under such conditions.
Recent studies have shown that adopting a vegetarian diet cannot only reduce the risk of developing heart disease, it may even be able to help reverse the effects of atherosclerosis(blockage in the arteries leading to the heart). In addition, vegetarians maybe at lower risk for a host of other diseases, including hypertension, kidney stones, arthritis, breast, prostate, and colon cancer.
05 July 2011
Anxiety-free Tea
Anxiety is a familiar companion to many people. Anyone can feel anxious in certain situations, such as awaiting a medical diagnosis, taking difficult school exams, or just plain worrying over a loved one's welfare.
If anxiety is knocking at your door more than you'd like,sometimes you just want fast relief. Here is a quick calm-down blend of herbal tea from Candis Cantin-Packard, a professional member of the American Herbalists Guild and director of the Evergreen Herb Garden and Learning Center in Placerville, California. This recipe is courtesy of the book "The Doctors Book of Herbal Home Remedies."
To make the herbal tea, scoop out 1 teaspoon of the blend and steep in hot water for ten minutes, then strain. Drink one to three cups a day as needed.
1 ounce dried Siberian ginseng
1 ounce dried licorice
1 ounce dried marsmallow
1/2 ounce dried valerian
Combine the ginseng, licorice, skullcap, marsmallow, and valerian in a wide-mouth jar.
If anxiety is so severe that it interferes your normal work or find yourself unable to speak to family members, then see a doctor or licensed therapist.
If anxiety is knocking at your door more than you'd like,sometimes you just want fast relief. Here is a quick calm-down blend of herbal tea from Candis Cantin-Packard, a professional member of the American Herbalists Guild and director of the Evergreen Herb Garden and Learning Center in Placerville, California. This recipe is courtesy of the book "The Doctors Book of Herbal Home Remedies."
To make the herbal tea, scoop out 1 teaspoon of the blend and steep in hot water for ten minutes, then strain. Drink one to three cups a day as needed.
1 ounce dried Siberian ginseng
1 ounce dried licorice
1 ounce dried marsmallow
1/2 ounce dried valerian
Combine the ginseng, licorice, skullcap, marsmallow, and valerian in a wide-mouth jar.
If anxiety is so severe that it interferes your normal work or find yourself unable to speak to family members, then see a doctor or licensed therapist.
04 July 2011
Bitter Melon : Anti-Diabetes Herb Remedy
Diabetes is a serious disease that requires a doctor's care.Herbs aren't substitutes for the fundamental changes in diet and lifestyle that you need to make in order to control your diabetes.either. While herbs aren't substitutes for controlling both types of diabetes, you can use herbs to help regulate your blood sugar, says Robert Rountree, M.D, a holistic physician at the Helios Health Center in Boulder, Colorado.
Bitter Melon is the best herb to start to help control diabetes, and it's complications, says Dr. Welliver. Eating bitter melon increases the insulin-secreting cells in the pancreas, called beta cells.
Bitter melon is cultivated in tropical countries of the world. It is used as food and anti-diabetes remedy in China, India, Philippines, Sri Lanka, and the West Indies. According to Dr. Welliver, drinking 2 ounces of bitter melon juice twice a day is most effective for type 2 diabetes and possibly early tye 1. You can make the juice by running the fruit through a juicer or by blending it with a little water until it is thin enough to drink. A daily shot of bitter melon juice may reduce the risks of developing diabetic retinopathy, a complication of diabetes caused by damage to blood vessels of the retina, says Dr. Welliver.
Bitter Melon is the best herb to start to help control diabetes, and it's complications, says Dr. Welliver. Eating bitter melon increases the insulin-secreting cells in the pancreas, called beta cells.
Bitter melon is cultivated in tropical countries of the world. It is used as food and anti-diabetes remedy in China, India, Philippines, Sri Lanka, and the West Indies. According to Dr. Welliver, drinking 2 ounces of bitter melon juice twice a day is most effective for type 2 diabetes and possibly early tye 1. You can make the juice by running the fruit through a juicer or by blending it with a little water until it is thin enough to drink. A daily shot of bitter melon juice may reduce the risks of developing diabetic retinopathy, a complication of diabetes caused by damage to blood vessels of the retina, says Dr. Welliver.
30 June 2011
Shark Cartilage For Arthritis?
One in seven people in America, or nearly 40 million are reported to have arthritis. For many, the arthritis causes pain in the joints and knees. One very promising dietary supplement that has been shown to relieve arthritis is the shark's cartilage.
Scientists consider this amazing fact: The shark is a creature that has remained unchanged for 400 million years. It seemed to be the only creature with a natural immunity to cancer and other diseases known to man. Scientists believe that it is in the shark's cartilage skeleton that provides this amazing immunity.
Shark cartilage contains mucopolysaccharides, an anti-inflammatory mplecules that has been found to contain a concentration of one thousand times greater than any other type of cartilage. in fact, it is now manufactured as dietary natural supplement to lessen pain and stiffness in joints and knees.
Dr. Joseph Orcasity, a consultant at the University of Miami Medical School, treated a dozen elderly arthritis patients with severe arthritis in their knees. After taking shark cartilage for four weeks, most patients exhibited reduced pains and swelling and increased mobility. This case is reported in the book "Knee Pain: The Self-Help Guide" by John Garrett, M.D. & Bob Reznik
, M.B.A.
Scientists consider this amazing fact: The shark is a creature that has remained unchanged for 400 million years. It seemed to be the only creature with a natural immunity to cancer and other diseases known to man. Scientists believe that it is in the shark's cartilage skeleton that provides this amazing immunity.
Shark cartilage contains mucopolysaccharides, an anti-inflammatory mplecules that has been found to contain a concentration of one thousand times greater than any other type of cartilage. in fact, it is now manufactured as dietary natural supplement to lessen pain and stiffness in joints and knees.
Dr. Joseph Orcasity, a consultant at the University of Miami Medical School, treated a dozen elderly arthritis patients with severe arthritis in their knees. After taking shark cartilage for four weeks, most patients exhibited reduced pains and swelling and increased mobility. This case is reported in the book "Knee Pain: The Self-Help Guide" by John Garrett, M.D. & Bob Reznik
, M.B.A.
Food supplement,
Knee pain,
Natural supplement
25 June 2011
8 Good Reasons to Eat Fresh Fruits And Vegetables
A good human diet should consist of fresh fresh fruits and vegetables. Why? Here are ten good reasons the American Institute for Cancer Research, Washington,D.C., has compiled :
* Cancer prevention topped the list. Vegetables and fruits are rich in antioxidants substances shown to provide protection against free-radicals (reactive substances that damage cells and initiate cancer) and other phytochemicals.
* To keep trim is number 2 on the list. Many vegetables contain 50 calories or fewer for a whole cup, while only five potato chips or one small cookie has the same number of calories. If you satisfy your appetite with hearty servings of vegetables and fruits, hunger won’t be a problem and you will eat smaller portions of higher-calorie meats and desserts.
* Prevent heart disease is number 3. Eating more vegetables and fruits while cutting back on meat and dairy can help you limit heart-damaging saturated fat and cholesterol in your diet. The antioxidants and certain other phytochemicals in these foods also help prevent fatty deposits from forming in blood vessels. They also provide fiber, which helps lower blood ch olesterol levels. The B vitamins are also present that help lower blood homocysteine, high levels of which are a risk factor for heart disease.
* Benefit number 4 of veggies and fruits is they lower blood pressure levels. Many people think blood pressure can be controlled only through eating a low-salt diet and controlling weight. Yet several studies in which people followed a high vegetable and fruit diet achieved a significant drop in blood pressure. How? Researchers believe potassium and magnesium in these foods should be credited.
* Prevent stroke is number 5. Results of recent studies suggest that diets high in vegetables and fruits can decrease the risk of stroke by up to 25 percent. The boost in potassium they provide may be responsible, as well as the antioxidants and other phytochemicals they contain.
* Eye protection is number 6. Eating more vegetables and fruits may lower your risk for two of the most common causes of adult blindness: cataracts and macular degeneration. Scientists link this protection for the eyes with antioxidants like vitamin C and certain carotenoids.
* Next is to avoid diverticulosis. One-third of people over the age of 50 and two-thirds of those over the age of 80 are estimated to have this intestinal disorder. and vegetables can also satisfy your sweet tooth. When you turn to fruit for a sweet taste and quick energy, you get an added boost nutrition that works for you instead of just “empty calories” found in sweets like candy bars aand soft drinks.
* Finally, “experience pure pleasure.” Adding the vibrant colors of vegetables and fruits, the reds, oranges,purples, greens and yellows can make any dish more visually appealing. Also, the diversity of textures and tastes of these Diverticulosis occurs when pressure in the intestine create small pouches in the intestine wall, which can become inflamed and painful. The best defense against developing these pouches (diverticulae) is eating a high-fiber diet. Fruits, and especially vegetables, are major sources of fiber considered to be most helpful.
05 June 2011
Acupuncture is an ancient form of alternative therapy from China. It involves the insertion of hair thin needles into specific body points. The needles are stimulated by several methods which include pressure of the practitioner’s hand, mild electric current, ultrasound, or wavelengths of light.
Acupuncture gained some credibility in 1997 when the National Health Intitute endorsed it as a valid way to treat nausea and postoperative dental pain. The NIH panel also agreed that acupuncture has value in treating conditions like headaches, lower-back pain, menstrual cramps, muscle pain, and some of the side effects caused by stroke.
Practitioners of acupuncture found that health requires a harmonious balance between the opposing forces of yin (spirit) and (blood) yang. Yin and yang are not fixed, which are constantly changing. Yin is the negative force and the yang, the positive, but these terms "bad" and "good" as they do in Western thought.
Qi (pronounced "chi") is the attraction between the two forces. It flows to all parts of the body through channels called meridians. Meridians are pathways that run along the surface of the body and branch into the body’s interior. The imbalance between these forces is believed to cause disease. When the needles are inserted into appropriate points along those meridians, balance is restored and health is regained.
Acupuncture gained some credibility in 1997 when the National Health Intitute endorsed it as a valid way to treat nausea and postoperative dental pain. The NIH panel also agreed that acupuncture has value in treating conditions like headaches, lower-back pain, menstrual cramps, muscle pain, and some of the side effects caused by stroke.
Practitioners of acupuncture found that health requires a harmonious balance between the opposing forces of yin (spirit) and (blood) yang. Yin and yang are not fixed, which are constantly changing. Yin is the negative force and the yang, the positive, but these terms "bad" and "good" as they do in Western thought.
Qi (pronounced "chi") is the attraction between the two forces. It flows to all parts of the body through channels called meridians. Meridians are pathways that run along the surface of the body and branch into the body’s interior. The imbalance between these forces is believed to cause disease. When the needles are inserted into appropriate points along those meridians, balance is restored and health is regained.
01 February 2011
Breastfeeding Your Colic Baby
When a newborn baby comes out of the womb, doctors encourage mothers to breastfeed the infant. This is because the milk that comes out has nutrients in the right concentrations. It also has antibodies, which becomes the first line of defense against harmful bacteria and viruses.
Studies show that a mother can continue to breastfeed the child until it reaches 4 years of age. But because the teeth have already been developed, many decide to use a pump or change this for artificial milk.
One of the first challenges parents will face in the first six months is a condition where the baby becomes colic. This is when the infant will cry for no reason at all that will take months to subside.
Some doctors believe that the reason why a baby will behave in this manner is due to the milk that is fed from the mother’s breast.
There are two theories that explain this. The first is because babies who suck milk also take in a certain amount of air. Mother’s are encourage to let the infant burp before going to sleep so he or she won’t wake up later on.
The second is from the types of food that the mother eats. Gaseous foods, which are digested, are passed on to the infant in the form of milk causing the colic to happen.
Until now, there is insufficient proof to prove there is a relationship between breastfeeding and colic. Believe it or not, this happens more often to bottle-fed rather than breast fed infants. This means the mother should just watch out the food being eaten so this condition does not happen.
Those who are unable to do it can ask help from a dietitian so certain dishes can be substituted for something else.
Watching the food and making sure the infant burps are just two ways to handle a colic baby. The mother can also carry the child onto the shoulders or in a swaying motion. Some even sing a lullaby making the infant go back to sleep.
The parents can also put a CD player near the crib that will play nursery rhymes. This will serve as background so the baby will not wake up from the sounds coming from outside the room or the house.
During the daytime, a colic baby can also be remedied with a warm bath or a massage. This is because adults who are stressed sometimes use this to release the tension in the muscles, which makes this also work for the child.
If the infant has grown some teeth already, perhaps giving a pacifier can help. Some babies’ cry when he or she is not sucking onto something and this device can work as a substitute for the mother’s breast.
There is nothing wrong if the doctor classifies the baby as a colic. In fact, this is a blessing in disguise because this means that the little boy or girl is normal. The excessive crying or shouting are ways for the infant to ask for attention that will serve as a wake up call for first time parents.
The parents should just persevere through this phase. After all, colic babies are hereditary which means the same thing happened to the mother and father many years ago.
31 January 2011
Remedies For Snoring
Snoring is the noise produced through vibrating throat components. This occurs only during sleep since this is when our muscles are most relaxed. Relaxation of the muscles can inhibit the passage of normal airflow since the muscles fall back to cause blockage, narrowing the passage itself.
Remedies for snoring require careful studies on the related factors that either aggravate the condition or cause the condition itself. Once the roots are known, the growth of the problems can then be stopped.
Because of sedentary life, physiological problems and too rich foods, people are more susceptible to developing conditions that lead to snores. It has been a common knowledge that overweight people are most likely to snore than the healthier ones. This is because their throats tend to be fleshier. Thus, there are more blockages that can narrow the air passages. To reverse this, overweight sufferers are advised to reduce some weights, this does not only add to the comfort but will also reduce the likelihood of snoring more intensely.
The collapse of the throat muscles due to relaxation can be an immediate cause of problem snoring. It is advisable not take any alcoholic substances right before bedtime to avoid adding up to the abnormalities in the muscles.
Among the many undesirable effects of smoking in the body is the modification of the throat cells. This change will cause mucus build up to accommodate the smoke and nicotine passing through the tract without causing inflammation. However, due to the abnormal release of mucus, the mucous membranes in the throat and the esophagus will swell, causing blockages in the small vessels in the lungs.
Sleep pattern
There are two crucial stages of sleep that can affect your general breathing during the night. The Stage 1 is considered to be the stage when one has just fallen to sleep. This will repeat when sleep is disturbed by any stimuli. The other stage is the REM Sleep or the Rapid Eye Movement Sleep wherein dreams occur.
A person who snores is most likely to have unbalanced breathing during sleeping. This may be due to the noise or the frequent grunts coming from his or her bed partner.
It is best to establish a good sleeping habit so that breathing can be regulated. All you need is 8 hours of sleep, therefore create the best possible environment so that you might get everything your body requires.
Sleeping habits
It is a common knowledge that those who sleep on their backs usually have more episodes of snoring than those who sleep on their sides. Coupled with the pull of gravity on the tongue and throat muscles, sleeping on the back creates more restful positions for the throat. Thus, if there were any floppy flesh hanging around, it is likely that the air that passes through the tract would push the relaxed muscles upward.
Sleeping at an elevated position would also provide you some relief. 30 degrees must be the elevation so that the diaphragm would be relaxed and that the tongue would be kept from falling back.
Medical Problems
Any cause of throat blockage can be a threat to your peaceful sleep. Allergies and other irritation on its tissues can cause swelling or inflammation. Large adenoids, large tonsils, excess mass on the throat and changes in the construction of the cells can clog the air passage. For these, surgery is normally advised.
19 January 2011
5 Ways To Manage Anxiety Attacks
Feeling depressed and anxious? Some fears are normal such as being concern about the health of one’s partner, children, grandchildren, aging parents, as well as anxiety about one’s own health. These all come under the heading of “normal anxiety”. However, there is another kind of anxiety which could be said to be abnormal, according to Dr. Archibald Hart, psychologist and author of the book, “The Anxiety Cure”. When this so-called “ normal anxiety” graduates to a point that it interferes with the person’s ability to function effectively in life, this have become a severe anxiety problem. The kind that takes over a person’s whole being and renders her helpless .
Dr. Hart discussed in his book 5 crucial keys to help combat this type of anxiety and depression.
1. Record your feelings through journaling. Express and write your strong emotions whenever you catch them. By writing them down, you express and relearn about your anxiety.
2. * Reduce your stress level. Avoid excessive stress and maintain balance. A simple antidote to reduce stress is to get enough sleep and engage in physical activity like exercise.
3. * Strive to eat a balanced diet. Health professionals recommend fruits and vegetables, whole grains, dairy products and protein. Limit intake of stimulants such as caffeine.
4. * Associate with other people. The old saying “No man is an island” expresses the simple truth that it is not good to be alone. We need other people especially when we faced problems or crisis in life.
5. * Develop a relationship with God. Read the Bible, overcome your fear through prayer. Meditate, it enables us to replace negative thinking with healthy ones.
6. * Maintain a proper diet.
16 January 2011
Dark Chocolates And Your Heart
An every day ratio of dark bitter chocolate could help prevent heart diseases, according to a study realized by a team of Swiss researchers. The Swiss researchers say that the anti-oxidants from chocolate could prevent the blood veins to become smaller and less wide.
The research team came to this conclusion after testing on a group of 20 volunteers, which were smokers without health problems. The subjects were asked not to eat any types of aliments rich in anti-oxidants such as apples, onion and cabbage and after that they were given 40 grams of different types of chocolate.
Two hours after consuming the chocolate, the echo-graph showed that black chocolate, with a cocoa percent of at least 74%, significantly improved the blood flow. Additionally, ulterior tests showed that the risk of encountering blood accidents and blockages has been decreased to half of the initial risk. However, white chocolate did not achieve similar effects. The researches that performed the study say that dark chocolate contain the biggest quantity of anti-oxidants for one gram than any other products like red vine, green tea or forests fruits.
Chocolate is indeed an aliment that has many anti-oxidant elements in it. But it also contains fats and glucoses in huge quantities. So, it can cause weight problems if excessively consumed.
The best thing to do is to adjust your chocolate portion to your actual weight and to the amount of physical effort you make everyday. Persons that are involved in a great deal of effort can consume chocolate without fearing weight problems. But the ones that don’t, like people working in offices, sitting all day on a chair and not doing any kind of sports are confronted with a big problem if they eat too much chocolate. If the organism doesn’t call for sweets, like it does when we are cold, tired or worn out, then the chocolate use should be reduced to a minimal portion a day.
15 January 2011
Unique Health Benefits Of Coral Calcium
Shigechiyo Izumi is world’s oldest living person according to the Guinness book of World Records. He is 115 years old and retired from work at the age of 105, despite which he enjoys a remarkable health and is very active physically. He is Japanese residing on the Sango Coral islands in and around Okinawa. His secret has been revealed by medical tests as consumption of coral calcium.
The Sango islands were formed from Sango Coral reefs which have a chemical composition similar to human bones. During rain, the rain water naturally percolates through these reefs and accumulates various minerals and elements. The water becomes rich in essential vitamins and has a pH value between 7 and 8.5, indicating high alkalinity. This water contains a high level of coral calcium.
Sango coral is the only one of its kind to have these unique qualities (health benefits to human beings) out of about 2500 species of corals. It occurs in abundance only around Okinawa, Japan. Today, over 4 million Japanese are in the habit of consuming coral calcium capsules daily, as a result of the efforts of the Japanese government. The Japanese government authorized mining of Sango Coral sand for coral calcium about 10 years ago. This operation is very carefully monitored so that no living coral is damaged, and extracts, pulverizes and treats the Sango Coral sand rich in calcium, magnesium and trace minerals to produce coral calcium. The result is packed into capsules, which when consumed raise the pH level of the body to a healthy alkalinity.
The other cultures around the world who enjoy longevity are Titicacas of Peru, Azerbaijans, Armenians, Hunzas of Pakistan and Tibetans. They attribute this to drinking “Milk of the Mountains” – the molten glacier water which contains crushed rocks in the glacial ice, is turbid and white like milk. The scientific inference from these is that consumption of Calcium whether coral calcium or in other forms is beneficial in prolonging human life.
Coral calcium is full of trace minerals, the major ones being calcium and magnesium. Humankind has been depleted of micronutrient elements essential for proper functioning of body cells. The soil polluted by industrialization does not have enough minerals to keep the human body going. These have to be present in the soil first to be absorbed into fruits, vegetables and other edible natural food. In contrast coral Calcium consists of 74 trace minerals that are naturally ionized which results in better absorption by the human body. Strangely, but truly there have never been doctors in Okinawa, Japan, owing to coral calcium, proving the effectiveness of coral calcium in keeping the human body healthy and fit, apart from longevity. Over 200 diseases are linked to mineral deficiency including diabetes, cancer, heart disease, gall bladder and kidney stones and arthritis. Coral calcium, by providing essential minerals helps in keeping the pH balance in human body.
pH in normal terms means potential hydrogen. It is a measure of hydrogen ion concentration in a fluid. pH is measured on a scale of 14, 7 being the midway or neutral. A pH value below 7 indicates acidic and above 7 indicates alkaline. When a fluid is acidic, it is oxygen deprived. A human body is said to be non diseased only when the pH value of bodily fluid is alkaline measuring between 7 and 8 on the pH scale. The normal pH value of blood is between 7.35 and 7.45. If it drops below 6.8 or rises above 7.8, life becomes non existent.
fighting ability.
06 January 2011
Cream From Raw Cashew To Fight Warts
A Filipino inventor , Rolando dela Cruz was able to formulate a cream from raw cashew nut to remove warts and moles on the skin. Later, the cream was certified as a viable treatment for basal cell carcinoma (BCC), the most common type of skin cancer.
Dela Cruz and his family started marketing his products in 1997 as DeWart, a cream to remove warts, and DeMole, a cream to remove moles. In 2003, Dela Cruz reformulated DeMole by adding other ingredients and increased the strength of the cashew extract. He renamed the cream DeBCC.
Doctors from Philippine General Hospital (PGH) have certified the DeBCC cream as a possible treatment for Basal Cell Carcinoma or skin cancer after completing clinical trials and studies on patients. It was documented in the study, “Anacardium Occidentale (Linn, Cashew Nut Extract, DeBCC in the Treatment of Basal Cell Carcinoma or Skin Cancer” by the University of the Philippines doctors Eric Talens, Orlando Ocampo, Daniel de la paz, Horacio Estrada and Porfirio Tica.
Dela Cruz invention also received the World Intellectual property Office gold medal for DeBCC as an outstanding invention.
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